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Wednesday, December 18, 2024
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Tag: Tucker Jones

Fishery Managers Set 2025 Sturgeon Retention Seasons

Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington set 2025 sturgeon retention seasons for the Columbia River upstream of Bonneville Dam during a hearing today. Sturgeon retention...

States Set Additional Recreational Spring Chinook Days After Update

Following an in-season update of the expected upriver spring Chinook return, fishery managers from Oregon and Washington added 10 additional fishing days for recreational...

Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Closed Above Bonneville Dam as of April...

Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington took action to close salmon and steelhead fishing in the mainstem Columbia River upstream of Bonneville Dam as...

Spring Chinook Season Extended to April 11 Below Bonneville Dam

Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington took joint state action to add another two days (Wednesday, April 10 and Thursday, April 11) of recreational...

Initial Columbia River Spring Chinook Season Dates Announced

 Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington adopted initial recreational spring Chinook seasons on the Columbia River during a joint state hearing today. Effective March 1...

Salmon and Steelhead Fishing Closed as of Today on Columbia River

Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington closed recreational Chinook and steelhead fishing on the Columbia River during a joint state hearing today effective June...

Columbia River Summer/Fall Salmon, Steelhead Seasons Set

Oregon and Washington fishery managers recently finalized seasons and regulations for 2023 Columbia River summer and fall recreational salmon and steelhead fisheries. Detailed regulations are...

Initial Columbia River Recreational Spring Chinook Seasons Set

Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington adopted recreational spring Chinook seasons for the Columbia River during a joint state hearing today. Effective March 1 (downstream...

Chinook Retention Now Prohibited on Mainstem Columbia River

Fishery managers have closed Chinook retention in the mainstem Columbia River recreational fishery to ensure that non-treaty fisheries remain within the 15 percent allowable...

Oregon State Fish & Wildlife Seize Giant White Sturgeon From Poachers

A giant white sturgeon more than seven feet long was among five sturgeon seized and released by Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife troopers...

Additional Summer Chinook Fishing Set for Columbia River July 9-15

Fishery managers in Washington and Oregon set additional Chinook salmon fishing days during their joint meeting on Thursday thanks to an upper Columbia summer...

Summer Chinook Fishing Set to Open On Columbia River On July...

A Columbia River summer Chinook fishery beginning on the upcoming Fourth of July weekend was set today by fishery managers from Oregon and Washington....

Columbia River Sockeye, Steelhead Fishery to Close on Thursday

Due to better than expected sockeye fishing, sockeye and hatchery steelhead angling and retention in the mainstem Columbia River will close effective 12:01 a.m....

Oregon, Washington Close Columbia River Spring Chinook Season

The departments of fish and wildlife from Oregon and Washington declined to set additional time for spring Chinook salmon fishing on the mainstem Columbia...

Oregon Reopens Columbia River Salmon, Steelhead Fishing

Recreational salmon and steelhead fishing on the Columbia River will reopen for four days in May under rules adopted by the Oregon and Washington...

Oregon, Washington to Close Chinook Season Below Bonneville Dam

Fisheries managers from Oregon and Washington today announced that recreational Chinook salmon retention in the Columbia River between Warrior Rock and Bonneville Dam will...

Fishery Managers Closing Columbia River to All Salmon Fishing

With fall Chinook salmon returns to the Columbia River tracking well below preseason predictions, fishery managers announced on Tuesday the Columbia River from the...

States Close Columbia Steelhead Fishing Today Due to Poor Returns

Steelhead retention in the Columbia River and lower John Day River will close effective today through the end of the year due to poor...

ODFW Asks Anglers to Give Region’s Steelhead a Helping Hand

Facing some of the lowest steelhead returns on record, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has already curtailed steelhead fishing seasons throughout the...

States Set Columbia River Sturgeon Seasons

Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington set recreational white sturgeon seasons for the Columbia River estuary and Bonneville Pool. In the estuary, from the Wauna...

