Thanks to All Who Made Ball a Success


Dear Editor,

A record 505 guests attended our ninth annual Me and My Prince Ball on May 4. Even though the lines were long, everyone took them in stride and enjoyed themselves at our masquerade-themed event.

We would like to thank our superb sponsors – Williams Family Trucking, 60 Minute Photo, Shane and Becky Finck, Columbia Orthodontics, Defining Details Photography, and Rita Van Schoiack of Blue Mountain Investment Management – for without their generosity we would not be able to afford to put on an event of this magnitude. We would also like to thank those who helped at the dance: the fabulous photographers at 60 Minute Photo (which was also our main ticket vendor); cunning caterers, the Serenity Sisters; delightful deejay, Marvin Hamilton, and his beautiful assistant, Cassie Poumele-Hamilton; the big-hearted businesses that donated door prizes; the marvelous media that helped to publicize the event; and everyone at the conference center for working with us to get the ball ready.

A huge thank you goes to all of our vivacious volunteers – Girl Scouts and nonmembers alike – who helped with setting up, greeting guests, bussing tables and cleaning up. Every single person did their duties with a smile and were a pleasure to “work” with.

And, finally, much appreciation goes to the men who took the time to bring their little girls to the ball. I hope it was an evening that will forever be treasured. We look forward to seeing everyone again next spring.

Michelle Kane
Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington