Thanks to All for Work on Oxbow Trail


To the editor:

First and foremost, we want to thank the weather for rethinking its rain plans, which were tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Tree Planting Day at the Oxbow Trail. The day could not have been nicer.

Our second thank you goes to the people who drove to the tree planting area on the Oxbow access road. Your good humor and patience made directing traffic so much easier.

And there was traffic . . . so our next thank you goes out to ALL the volunteers who came out and spent part of their day reforesting Oxbow.

Of course there would have been no Tree Planting Day if the Umatilla Basin Watershed Council had not committed their time, resources and expertise to the reforestation of Oxbow.

And let’s not forget the Hermiston Rotary Club who managed to give away approximately 2,000 trees at Smitties Ace Hardware while providing hot dogs, sandwiches and snacks for the volunteers at Oxbow. Well done guys!! I heard the food was great!

The Leadership Hermiston class gets the next thank you. Without their promotional skills and enthusiasm there would have been no need for us to direct traffic. You did a great job.

Now to the Bureau of Reclamation’s field Office Manager, Boris Belchoff. Thank you for moving forward with the Oxbow Habitat Restoration and Reforestation plan. Thank you for the Oxbow Trail .Through your work with the city of Hermiston, what had been wishful thinking for many years, is now a reality.

Eileen Laramore, Hermiston