To the Editor: Let’s Return to Conviction and Civility in 2024


To the editor:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

As a young man, my political ideology was molded in the 1980s when President Ronald Reagan (Republican) and Speaker of the House Tip O’Neal (Democrat) would joust with their words and thoughts for America.

Every day it would play out on the evening news . . . conviction with civility.

History later told how these two leaders, after work hours, would sit down and just plain talk. They grew to become friends. While their political visions could not have been more different, they shared a common love: America.

For way too many folks, 2023 has been a year of anxiety, tension and dissension. Neighbor upset with neighbor. “Us verses them.” For those who perceive that they have been wronged, wrath cannot come quickly enough. Recall, ethics complaints, gossip and unseemly social media posts unfortunately will be part of our collective history.

Let’s change this in 2024.

Let’s be slow to accept gossip. Let’s seek to understand, then to be understood. Let’s commit ourselves to sitting down and having a conversation with those with different views.

A good joust with words and thoughts is healthy. Let’s do it with conviction and civility.

Rep. Greg Smith, District 57