Tour of Historic Olney Cemetery in Pendleton Returns for Second Year


Residents of the historic Olney Cemetery will be brought to life again this year by
costumed performers in the second annual “Quiet Neighbors” event.

During Quiet Neighbors, tour guests will follow a paved path through Olney Cemetery, stopping to “meet” historic figures near their grave sites. Each performer is a historical interpreter talking about the life of one of the people buried at Olney Cemetery.

“This is an opportunity to tour the historic Olney Cemetery and meet figures from Pendleton’s interesting past,” organizer Heather Culley said. “This is a respectful view of their lives, humanizing but not insulting.”

The tour will run from 3-7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 6, Friday, Oct. 7, and Saturday, Oct. 8. Quiet Neighbors is free, but pre-registration is requested for tour numbers. You can register online or by calling 541-966-0380.

Quiet Neighbors is a joint venture between Pendleton Public Library, Olney Cemetery, and the Umatilla County Historical Society.

Find more information online on the city of Pendleton’s website.