Turn in Angling Tags and Maybe Win a Prize


Anglers who turn in their 2013 combined angling tag and/or hatchery harvest tag before May 16, 2014 could win one of more than 100 outdoor products or gift cards from Bi-Mart.

The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife is sponsoring the promotion to try to increase the number of returned tags. Currently, the department estimates, only about 20 percent of anglers return their combined tags, which are required to fish for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and Pacific halibut.

“We get a lot of important harvest information from harvest tags,” said John Seabourne, operations manager for the ODFW Fish Division.

The information is used to determine harvest rates and effort rates in Oregon’s salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and halibut fisheries. The information is also posted on the ODFW website where anglers can check the harvest rates in their favorite water bodies.

Anglers who return their tags by the May 16 deadline will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win prizes that include Bi-Mart gift cards and Okuma rod and reel combos.

Completed tags can be returned in person to any ODFW office or license agent. Anglers many also mail their tags to ODFW Tag Returns, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE, Salem, Ore. 97302.