Two-County Spelling Contest to Be Held May 12


The Umatilla-Morrow County Spelling Contest will be held May 12 at Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton.

Students in grades 1-12 will compete in the annual competition from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The contestants are the spelling champions from their respective school divisions. The contest is divided up into three divisions: Division 1, first through fifth grades; Division 2, sixth through eighth grades; and Division 3, ninth through 12th grades. Contestants will take a written spelling test.

An awards ceremony will take place immediately following the scoring of the contest. Winners will receive gift cards and trophies. The event is sponsored by the InterMountain Education Service District.

The first-place winner from each division will be invited to compete in the state competition set for Aug. 30 in Salem at the Oregon State Fair.

For more information, contact Lizette Berryessa at 541-966-3126 or e-mail her at