The Two Cultures One Community Committee and Nixyáawii Community Financial Services will host the inaugural Two Cultures One Community Powwow Feb. 23-25 at the Pendleton Convention Center, 1601 Westgate.
“The Two Cultures One Community Powwow is a large-scale competition designed to harmonize Native American cultural heritage and traditions with the cowboy culture deeply rooted in our regional history,” committee officials said. “Everyone is welcome. We are excited to share this unique platform for the convergence of cultural expressions, fostering understanding and appreciation for both Native American traditions and the cowboy way of life in our region.”

Committee officials said event hours are noon to 11 p.m. on Feb. 23, noon to midnight on Feb 24 and noon to 6 p.m. on Feb. 25. The event will occur regardless of weather, officials said.
Northern Cree is slated to be the host drum. The group has garnered awards and accolades for its music, including performing at the 59th Grammy Awards. The head emcee will be Ruben Littlehead, who is well known on the powwow circuit.
Dance, drum and special contests are on the agenda with payouts to be determined.
The Two Cultures One Community Committee consists of Chairman Pat Beard, Vice Chairman Fred Hill, Treasurer Kara Woolsey, Secretary Terri Carnes and Members Melinda Broncheau, Leona Enright, Lisa Ganuelas, Kellen Joseph, Kaeleen McGuire and Wil Phinney.
Sponsors include the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Travel Pendleton, Cayuse Native Solutions and Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center. However, sponsorships and donations are still welcomed.
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