UEC to Return $6 Million to Some Members During Month of March


Umatilla Electric Cooperative members who purchased power in 2019 and 2021 will receive a refund in March as part of the utility’s Capital Credits program.

At its February meeting, UEC’s Board of Directors approved $6 million to be refunded to UEC’s members, which represents a portion of the cooperative’s 2019 and 2021 margins.

“The return of Capital Credits reflects UEC’s financial strength and stability and provides a means to inform members about the cooperative difference,” said UEC General Manager and CEO Robert Echenrode. “One of the best features of a rural electric cooperative is being able to invest in and support our local communities.”

If you have questions regarding Capital Credit refunds, call the UEC office at 541-567-6414 or 1-800-452-2273.