Umatilla Electric Cooperative’s Annual Meeting & Membership Dinner will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, April 20 at a new location, the Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Center.
The event is UEC’s annual business meeting for its members. Information is provided on the cooperative’s finances and operations, and two directors will be seated to three-year terms following an election that began in early April.

The Annual Meeting is also a celebration of the 82-year-old cooperative, with a theme this year of “Connecting Lines, Connecting Lives.”
The event includes a catered dinner, and “Magic With Hart” (Hart Keene of Eugene) will entertain with a show that combines illusion, mind-reading and comedy.
During the event, door prizes will be given to registered members that include a beach trip to Newport’s Hallmark Resort, Wildhorse Weekend Getaway, 4K television, Nintendo Switch game system, Bose wireless headphones, KitchenAid mixer, Yeti cooler, handmade quilt, gift baskets, rodeo box seats and more.