Umatilla Electric Cooperative Now Accepting Scholarship Applications


The Umatilla Electric Cooperative scholarship program is accepting applications now through March 1.

The scholarship program is designed to recognize and encourage the achievements of the members and their dependent children. A total of $50,000 will be awarded each year to deserving students. The scholarships must be used for educational costs.

Scholarships are available in the following three categories:

AcademicFourteen $3,000 scholarships are available for members of UEC and/or their dependent children who are enrolled or planning to enroll in a full-time graduate or under-graduate program at a two- or four-year college.

EngineeringA $5,000 scholarship is administered to a college student who has completed their freshman year and is interested in pursuing a degree in electrical engineering-power systems.

Lineman TradeA $3,000 scholarship is available to members and/or applicants whose parent or guardian is an active member, and are interested in the line construction trade and will be attending an accredited line college.

Click here to apply.

To apply online for the academic or engineering scholarships, you must complete the state’s Office of Student Access & Completion (OSAC) scholarship application. Click here for application. OSAC’s designation for the UEC Academic Scholarship is “244-Umatilla Electric Cooperative.” OSAC’s designation for the UEC Engineering Scholarship is “522-Umatilla Electric Cooperative.”

Applications for the Lineman Trade Scholarship are only available on the UEC website. One $3,000 scholarship will be awarded.