Umatilla Electric’s Ryan Young Appointed to National Committee


Umatilla Electric Cooperative’s Distribution Engineer Ryan Young has joined the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Transmission and Distribution Engineering Committee.

UEC Vice President of Engineering Josh Lankford recently resigned his seat after serving six years on the committee, one as vice chair/secretary and three as chair.

Ryan Young

“Ryan has shown great ambition through the years at UEC and has shown interest in making a positive change within UEC and across all co-ops, including those that may not have engineering staff,” says Lankford.

Young officially joined the committee on Aug. 31 in Washington, D.C. Participation on this committee will benefit UEC members with efficiencies in new designs, as Young will have insight to new requirements going forward. This committee assists the Rural Utilities Service on the development, analysis and updating of federal technical standards, guidelines, and specifications.

Young will also serve on the Underground Distribution Subcommittee as part of his service to the group.

“UEC is proud to have engineers like Ryan that have a desire to volunteer and serve on a national level.” said Cole Bode, manager of engineering. “Ryan will do a great job and we are lucky to have him.”