Umatilla-Morrow Head Start to Receive Nearly Half Million in Funds


U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley announced on Tuesday $5.4 million in Head Start funding will be going to Oregon from the American Rescue Plan.

The funds will be going to 24 counties, including Umatilla and Morrow counties.

“Head Start programs give low-income kids in Oregon and nationwide a leg up, preparing them to excel in school,” Wyden said. “It’s critical to get the Head Start programs of our state back in person as quickly and safely as possible to make sure Oregon’s youngsters don’t fall behind. This funding from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, which I fought to pass through Congress earlier this year, will help do just that.”

Umatilla-Morrow Head Start will receive $466,635.

“This funding from the American Rescue Plan will help to provide a strong foundation for students of all backgrounds to thrive, especially after the challenges of schooling through the coronavirus pandemic,” Merkley said.

The funding is a part of Head Start Forward, a campaign from the Biden Administration to help Head Start programs nationwide move safely towards in-person operations.