Umatilla River Basin Spring Chinook Fishing Reopens Starting Today


The temporary regulation closing angling for and retention of spring Chinook in the Umatilla River basin has been removed and the fishery re-opens today.

Angling for and retention of spring Chinook salmon in the Umatilla River and tributaries is open as listed in the 2021 permanent regulations. For the Umatilla River and tributaries, the catch limit is two adult and five jack hatchery spring Chinook salmon per day. All wild Chinook salmon must be released unharmed.

Managers have seen a higher than predicted return of both wild and hatchery spring Chinook salmon to the Umatilla River basin. Last month, the adult return was not expected to meet the need for broodstock to continue hatchery operations, therefore, harvest was prohibited and a temporary closure was in place.

For the latest regulations and other fishing opportunities in Northeast Zone, visit the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife website.