You can support Oregon’s wildlife by donating to the Nongame Wildlife Fund through your 2013 Oregon State tax return. The fund, established by the Oregon State Legislature, fuels the conservation of Oregon’s wildlife through habitat conservation and species management.
“Oregon has a wonderful array of wildlife to enjoy. It is one of the things that makes our state unique,” said Andrea Hanson, ODFW Conservation Strategy Coordinator. “Where else can you see bighorn sheep, tufted puffins, whales, bald eagles and western painted turtles? It’s a legacy we want to leave to future generations to enjoy.”
Write Charitable Code # 19 in the charitable donation section of your 2013 Oregon State tax form or send your tax-deductible donation to Oregon Nongame Wildlife Fund, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, Ore., 97302.
Previous taxpayer donations to the Nongame Wildlife Fund have helped:
• bring back the American peregrine falcon, bald eagle and western snowy plover from the brink of extinction;
• develop conservation programs for Oregon Conservation Strategy species including western pond turtles, grassland birds, yellow-legged frogs, Townsend’s big-eared bats and white-headed woodpeckers;
• improve wildlife habitats; and
• eliminate invasive species.
For more information, call 503-947-6320.
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