Want to Be A Pendleton Round-Up Expert? Take the University Classes

If you're interested in learning more about the Pendleton Round-Up, you might want to enroll in the Round-Up University. (Photo: Randy Thomas)

In 2011, Pendleton Round-Up publicity director Randy Thomas decided that every local person, business, community volunteer, fan and novice should be able to have an inside look at how the all-volunteer event earned its reputation for western lifestyle authenticity and maintains an elevated status among contemporary rodeo peers.

Thomas’ concept took form as Pendleton Round-Up University. Four series – Round-Up 101, 201, 301 and 401 – completed the “undergraduate” program and attracted a combined student attendance of 2,517.

Today, the university offers a new continuing education series at its downtown Pendleton campus, Hamley’s Slickfork Saloon. The 2018 syllabus contains five courses:

· Feb. 21 – Preserving Heritage Then and Now

· Feb. 28 – Leaping Livestock!

· March 7 – Wow! That’s One Popular Rodeo

· March 14 – Celebrating our Future

· March 21 – They Said What?

The “faculty” is comprised of Round-Up experts who will provide in-depth instruction on specific topics. Classes begin at 6 p.m. each Wednesday. Tuition is free to students of all ages.

In ever-changing world dynamics, the Pendleton Round-Up continues to reach new audiences. “It’s been great fun and very educational,” said Thomas about Round-Up University. “Each class offering had similar student response – ‘Wow, I didn’t know that.’”

For more information, contact Randy Thomas at 541-379-6776 or email him at pendletonrup@gmail.com.