Water Service to Be Turned Off Near W. Ridgeway Water Project Today


Water service will be temporarily turned off for residents and businesses in the area of the W. Ridgeway Water Project beginning at 8 a.m. this morning so crews can replace antiquated water pipes and valves in the area.

The map below indicates the areas that will be impacted.

Hermiston officials say service will be restored as soon as possible. Many of the aging valves are nonfunctional, which makes it difficult for crews to isolate the impacted area. New pipes and valves, including a larger water main, will ensure improved service in the future.

Setting water aside for the day may be helpful:

• Fill pots on the stove with water to use for cooking
• Fill a couple of buckets with water for washing
• Fill potable water containers for drinking
• Fill bathtubs with water and use buckets to flush toilets-by refilling the toilet tank