If you’ve ever tried to get in touch with a local, county, state or federal official, you know that tracking them down isn’t always easy. Here’s an updated list of elected officials for each respective municipality, district or constituency within Umatilla and Morrow Counties.
City Listings
180 NE Second Streethermiston.or.us
Hermiston, OR 97838541-567-5521
The Hermiston City Council meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at City Hall. The council holds a work session at 6:00 pm prior to the second meeting each month. Click name to contact by email, if available.
David DrotzmannMayor
Lori DavisCouncilor, Ward 1
Roy BarronCouncilor, Ward 2
Jackie C. MyersCouncilor, Ward 3
Doug SmithCouncilor, Ward 4
Manuel GutierrezCouncilor at Large
Rod S. HardinCouncilor at Large
John KirwanCouncilor at Large
Doug PrimmerCouncilor at Large
Byron SmithCity Manager
700 Sixth Streetumatilla-city.org
Umatilla, OR 97882541-922-3226
The Umatilla City Council meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at City Hall. Planning Commission meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Click name to contact by email, if available.
Mary DedrickMayor
Corinne FunderburkCouncilor, Position 1
Michael RoxburyCouncilor, Position 2
Leslie SmithCouncilor, Position 3
Ashley WheelerCouncilor, Position 4
Josy ChavezCouncilor, Position 5
Roak TenEyckCouncilor, Position 6
David StockdaleCity Manager
160 S Main Streetcityofstanfield.com
Stanfield, OR 97875541-449-3831
The Stanfield City Council meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Stanfield Council Chambers, 150 W Coe Avenue. Click name to contact by email, if available.
Thomas McCannMayor
Don TyrrellCouncil President
Jack HuxollCouncilor
Del ManleyCouncilor
Pam McSpaddenCouncilor
Susan WhelanCouncilor
Jason SperrCouncilor
VacantCity Manager
20 S. Bonanza Streetecho-oregon.com
Echo, OR 97826541-376-8411
The Echo City Council meets the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm at the Old VFW Hall, 210 W Bridge Street. Click name to contact by email, if available.
Jeanie HamptonMayor
Jerry GauntCouncilor
Janie EnrightCouncilor
Robert HarrisCouncilor
Tammie WilliamsCouncilor
Chad RayCouncilor
Dick YoderCouncilor
David SlaghtCity Administrator
200 City Center Circlecityofboardman.com
Boardman, OR 97818541-481-9252
The Boardman City Council meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Boardman City Hall. Click name to contact by email, if available.
Sandy TomsMayor
Roy Drago Jr.Council President
Brandon HammondCouncilor
David JonesCouncilor
Art KeglerCouncilor
Brenda ProfittCouncilor
Karen PettigrewCity Manager
500 NE Main Streetci.irrigon.or.us
Irrigon, OR 97844541-922-3047
The Irrigon City Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at City Hall. Click name to contact by email, if available.
Daren StrongMayor
Ken MatlackCouncil President
Alan CarnahanCouncilor
Michelle HagenCouncilor
Margaret AndersonCouncilor
Marlina AvilaCouncilor
Aaron PalmquistCity Manager