If you’ve ever tried to get in touch with a local, county, state or federal official, you know that tracking them down isn’t always easy. Here’s an updated list of elected officials for each respective municipality, district or constituency within Umatilla and Morrow Counties.
County Listings
Umatilla County Courthouse
216 SE Fourth Streetco.umatilla.or.us
Pendleton, OR 97801541-276-7111
216 SE Fourth Streetco.umatilla.or.us
Pendleton, OR 97801541-276-7111
Bill ElferingCommissioner
Larry GivensCommissioner
George MurdockCommissioner
Morrow County Courthouse
100 Court Streetmorrowcounty.org
Heppner, OR 97836541-676-9061
100 Court Streetmorrowcounty.org
Heppner, OR 97836541-676-9061
Melissa LindsayCommissioner
Don RussellCommissioner
Jim DohertyCommissioner