Wildhorse Foundation Launches New Website


The Wildhorse Foundation in Pendleton launched a new website for those interested in submitting a grant application – www.TheWildhorseFoundation.com.

Until now, the Foundation information has been located on the Wildhorse Resort & Casino website.

“As the Foundation continues to grow and the need for Foundation dollars continues to attract applicants, we felt that it was a good time to get a standalone website,” said Kathleen Peterson, Chair of the Wildhorse Foundation Board.

According to Peterson, “changes continue to take place with our application process, and a website made sense to help us communicate those changes.” The most recent change is that the Foundation now only requires one copy of an application instead of the five copies they have required for the last 14 years. The Foundation now also requires each application to be accompanied by a W9.

“The Foundation Board also wanted a place to be able to share some of the amazing work that our community organizations do. There are so many wonderful organizations in our giving area that do great work that people don’t often hear about,” said Peterson.

Local and regional non-profits have benefited from over 1550 foundation grants, funded by the Wildhorse Resort & Casino. Since the inception in 2001, more than $8.8 million dollars has been dispersed to help aide public health and safety, education, the arts, historic preservation, gambling addiction services, salmon restoration, environmental protection, and cultural activities.

Looking back at the programs funded, there has been a heavy emphasis on education, public health and public safety. Examples of the Foundation’s work span far and wide from the Early Learning Center in Pendleton, the Life Flight helicopter pad in Medical Springs and the renovation of the City Hall Clock Tower in Heppner. Not to mention the large number of iPad and Chromebooks purchased for schools around the region in the last few years. The Foundation has also helped a number of initiatives within CTUIR such as the Public Transit program, TERF recycle program, Longhouse updates and numerous programs at Nixyaawii Charter School.

The Foundation will accept applications from organizations in the Foundation’s giving area which includes Umatilla, Union, Morrow and Wallowa counties in Oregon; Benton, Columbia and Walla Walla counties in Washington and National Indian Organizations.

The next deadline for applications is Oct. 1. Applications must be received at Wildhorse Resort & Casino by 5 p.m. Applications can be found on the website.