Wildhorse Hosting Star Wars Coat Drive


Wildhorse Resort & Casino is hosting a coat drive to benefit Department of Children and Family Services at the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation during the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie premier.

Guests are encouraged to bring a new or gently used winter coat in exchange for a $5 off coupon good at the Wildhorse Cineplex concession stand. The coupon is good until Jan. 14, 2016. All sizes from infants to adults are needed.

“Wildhorse hosted a successful canned food drive for the St. Mary’s Outreach during the latest Hunger Games premier and had such a good turn out, they wanted to keep the spirit of giving going but this time, tie the opportunity to the latest Star Wars film,” said Tiah DeGrofft, community relations director for Wildhorse.

Juliana Luke handles Events and Entertainment for the resort, said DeGrofft. The original discussion included a toy drive for Christmas, but after speaking with the CTUIR Department of Children and Family Services, they suggested a coat drive instead. They already have a “giving tree” to collect toys and there is a large need for warm clothes for their foster children.

“We expect a high volume of Star Wars fans to attend the premier on Thursday and it seemed like a win-win for moviegoers and the CTUIR” said Luke. “We are happy we could find a way to help the foster children at the CTUIR over the holiday season and this is just one of the many ways we will be incorporating charitable events into our schedule in the coming year.”

The coat drive takes place in the Cineplex lobby on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 17-18 from 3 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 19 from noon to 8 p.m.; and Sunday, Dec. 20 from noon to 6 p.m.