Wildhorse Resort Plans New Year’s Eve Countdown Celebration


Wildhorse Resort & Casino has a full night of fun and entertainment planned for their New Year’s Eve Countdown Celebration on Dec. 31.

The Sports Bar will open at 8 p.m. to get the evening started. Free live music will be provided by Funk Factory from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. This year’s party theme is Electro Retro.

The Spazmatics will perform in the Rivers Event Center starting at 9 p.m. The band specializes in songs, dances and dress from the 1980s. Doors open at 8. There will be a no-host bar, and you must be 21 years of age.

For more information, call Wildhorse at 541-278-2274 or email info@wildhorseresort.com.