Work Continues on Interstate 84 Adjacent to Active Slide at M.P. 359


Crews from the Oregon Department of Transportation continue repairing the active slide adjacent to the eastbound lanes of Interstate 84 near milepost 359, 17 miles west of Ontario.

This section of I-84 is located at the top of a steep hill with three travel lanes to accommodate slow truck traffic. Right lane closures are needed to accommodate repairs, reducing travel lanes uphill to two, maybe one lane. Travelers should slow down in the area and expect congestion between Exit 356 (OR 201) and milepost 360 through August.

A 200-yard-long, 100-yard-wide by 30-foot-deep crescent shaped cut was created above the roadway when gravity and soil conditions caused the hillside to move. The slide was discovered in early February after a covering blanket of snow melted off. It likely occurred sometime earlier this winter.