Kat Brigham, chair of the Board of Trustees of the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation has been selected to serve on the first-ever Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC).

In remarks at the National Congress of American Indians 2022 Mid-Year Conference today, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced the launch of the Tribal Advisory Committee.
The STAC, which was announced as part of the 2021 White House Tribal Nations Summit, will ensure Tribal leaders have direct and consistent contact and communication with the current and future Department officials to facilitate robust discussions on intergovernmental responsibilities, exchange views, share information and provide advice and recommendations regarding Departmental programs and funding that impact Tribal Nations to advance the federal trust responsibility.
U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) congratulated Brigham.
“ I know my friend Kat will be an effective advocate on this new panel providing Tribes in Oregon and nationwide a much-needed voice in the policies that affect their communities,” he said.
Haaland said Tribes deserve a seat at the decision-making table before policies are made that impact their communities.
“Tribal members who are joining the first-ever Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee will be integral to ensuring Tribal leaders can engage at the highest levels of the Department on the issues that matter most to their people,” said Haaland. “I look forward to continued engagement and ensuring that the Department honors and strengthens our nation-to-nation relationships with Tribes.”
The STAC is composed of a primary Tribal representative from each of the 12 Bureau of Indian Affairs Regions and one alternate member from each region. The members are appointed on a staggered term for up to two years. The Secretary, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, will designate one member of the STAC to serve as chairperson.