Wyden Talks Up HHS on Floor of U.S. Senate

Wyden on Floor
U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is seen here today talking about Hermiston High School on the floor of the United States Senate.

A week ago, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden met with students at Hermiston High School to talk about graduation rates in Oregon. After hearing about the classes and programs the students were involved in, he promised them he would brag about them on the floor of the United States Senate. Today, Wyden kept the promise.

In speech, which lasted about 8 minutes long, Wyden talks about Hermiston High School and students involved in Career Technical Education programs.

One program highlighted by Wyden was the Columbia Basin Student Homebuilders Program. The program partners local professionals with students to build homes to be put on the market. Wyden stopped by one of the homes built by local students during his visit to Hermiston last week.

The senator said the homebuilder program is a perfect example of how schools can provide hands-on experience to students that can lead the way to a good career.

“I think this program that I saw – this student homebuilders program – can be a model, not just for my state, but for the nation,” Wyden said today on the Senate floor.

Here’s the link to the video.