34th Annual BAAD Tournament Takes Place March 22-29 in Mission


The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center and Native Youth Rise Above are hosting the 34th annual Basketball Against Alcohol & Drugs (BAAD) Tournament March 22-29 at the Nixyáawii Community School (NCS) and CTUIR After School gyms.

“This tournament is held annually during spring break for youth to engage in alcohol- and drug-free activities in a positive and healthy environment,” Trinity Bates, Department of Children and Family Services Wrap Around Services outreach specialist, said.

Events start at 5 p.m. March 22 with a free Kick Off Dinner at NCS followed by a Rise Above program at 6 p.m. and a ceremony to honor BAAD dignitaries at 7 p.m.

Girls 15-18 division play begins at 8 p.m. followed by the Boys 15-18 division at 9 p.m. Those two divisions will run March 22-24. The entry fee for those divisions is $250 per team.

The Boys and Girls 12-14 divisions will play March 25-26. The entry fee for those divisions is $200 per team. The Boys and Girls 9-11 divisions will play March 27-28, and the entry fee is $150 per team. The 6-8 Co-ed division will run March 28-29 with each team paying $125 to enter.

From March 23-29 games will begin at 8 a.m., and the tournament is open to all youth.

First place teams will receive jackets, while second place teams will get hoodies. Third place teams will earn long sleeve shirts.

Concessions will be sold daily, and a free barbecue will be held March 28. Admission is $5 a day with $2 programs available.

Rise Above BAAD Basketball Prevention Clinics are scheduled for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 23-24 at the CTUIR After School Gym with points of emphasis being drug and alcohol prevention, mental awareness and mindfulness. Participants will receive Rise Above Camp T-shirts, basketball and agility training as well as prizes.

The Seattle-based Rise Above aims to empower Native youth to lead healthy lives via education, prevention skills and mentorship. It works with tribes and partners to build education programs with free basketball clinics at the center. For information, go online.

For information about BAAD events, visit CTUIR – Home or email baadtourney@ctuir.org.



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