Rome Has Future in Mind in Council Race

Jesus Rome
Jesus Rome says he wants to help make Hermiston a place that future generations will be proud to call home.

Jesus Rome is looking to the future in his race for a seat on the Hermiston City Council from Ward 1.

The 1992 Hermiston High School graduate wants to represent the younger generations of Hermiston and work to create an environment where young people want to stay in town, raise a family and contribute to the city’s wellbeing.

“One of my main reasons for running is I want my children and future generations to be proud to be called Hermistonians,” he said. “Moreover, being a proud father and family-centered man, I have particular interest in seeing more educational and fun activities available to our children, teenagers, and young adults. Our local Parks and Recreation, schools, churches, and other nonprofit organizations provide a great deal of activities for our youth. I would like to see even more creative activities at little cost for youth, especially during the summer months.”

Rome graduated George Fox University with a youth ministry degree in 1996. After college, he moved to Seattle and worked at the Union Gospel Mission Youth Center as an after-school coordinator. He moved back to Hermiston in 1999 where he met his future wife, Dawn. Together, they have three sons.

Rome was involved in the creation of Hermiston’s Martin Luther King Jr. celebration and wants to continue to help make Hermiston a more diverse community.

“Our city officials and leaders have done a wonderful job bringing greater awareness to our community regarding cultural issues and diversity,” he said. “I believe we still have more roads to pave regarding diversity and working together in our community.”

Rome said he would like to be a part of the city’s continued economic development.

“Hermiston has gone through a big growth spurt in the last 10 years or so,” he said. “I want to see more industry come to the area and add jobs to the community.”

Outside of work, Rome said he enjoys fishing, hiking, camping with family and friends, coaching basketball and karate.

Rome said his decision to challenge incumbent Lori Davis for a seat on the city council was a natural one.

“I’ve always been involved in the community to one degree or another,” he said. “So, I’m just taking it to a different level.”

The primary election is scheduled for May 20.

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