HSD's Smith Wins Leadership Award


Hermiston School District Deputy Superintendent Wade Smith was named the 2014 Doug Flatt Memorial Leadership Award winner at the InterMountain Education Service District’s Pendleton Crystal Apple Awards on May 21 at the Pendleton Red Lion Hotel.

“(Smith) contributes significantly to the region,” said IMESD Superintendent Dr. Mark Mulvihill. “Whether the issue involves school budgets, curriculum, or technology, he is always well-researched, inquisitive, and knowledgeable.”

Wade Smith
Wade Smith
Doug Flatt, the chief executive officer of Mid-Columbia Bus Company, was well-known to school districts throughout Oregon, particularly those in this region. Flatt lost his life in a plane crash while on business. In guiding the growth and operation of the bus company, Flatt was known for his leadership, attention to detail, service to his community, interpersonal relationships, and customer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize a school administrator serving in Umatilla, Morrow, or Union county, who exemplifies the same qualities. This award is sponsored by the InterMountain Education Service District and Mid-Columbia Bus Company.

“I am deeply honored and humbled by this recognition,” said Smith as he addressed the audience upon the surprise announcement. “There are so many people in this region who have served as a mentor and role model for me; for that I thank you, as well as the Flatt family for their legacy of service to our students.”

Smith has worked in Hermiston School District since 2007, when he was hired as assistant superintendent for human resources. A few of his accomplishments in HSD have included bond project management and oversight for the $69.9M bond; interim superintendent duties while Dr. Fred Maiocco was on military leave for a year and a half; lead programmer for the Kennison Field Renovation Project; and most recently, the organizer of a student homebuilders program. Smith’s working career has included teaching high school science, principalship at the elementary and secondary levels, assistant superintendentship in both the Morrow County and Hermiston school districts, and currently as the HSD deputy superintendent, overseeing both the Human Resources and Business departments for the district.

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