Summit to Bring Education, Health Experts Together


More than 450 people will come together to learn how coordinated efforts between schools, social service agencies, health care and local organizations can lead to healthier communities during the second annual Behavioral Health & Education Summit at Wildhorse Resort & Casino on Friday, Oct. 10.

The event is sponsored by the InterMountain Education Service District (IMESD), Greater Oregon Behavioral Health Inc. (GOBHI), Umatilla County, and local Community Care Organizations.

The free all-day event coincides with Oregon’s Statewide In-Service Day for education, and attendees are coming from around the state to participate in the day’s workshops. IMESD Superintendent Dr. Mark Mulvihill and GOBHI Chief Executive Officer Kevin Campbell will deliver the keynote address to kick off the event at 8:30 a.m., and then 18 speakers will facilitate 12 workshops throughout the day, concluding at 3 p.m.

Summit attendees will include educators, special education teachers, school counselors, mental health professionals, social workers and healthcare providers.

“This summit is a great example of engaging the three sectors of health, safety and education and breaking down silos within our community organizations,” Mulvihill said. “We all have the common goal of healthy kids and healthy communities.”

Last year’s inaugural summit was held at the Pendleton Convention Center and had around 350 attendees, so Mulvihill said this year’s increase in attendance is a welcome change and proof that local organizations want to continue to collaborate.

For more information, call Wendy Simer at 541-966-3104.