Umatilla Approves Settlement Agreement


The Umatilla City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve the settlement agreement between the city and the Port of Umatilla.

The action Tuesday night brings a conclusion to a dispute between the city and the port dating back to last summer when the city council upheld the Umatilla Planning Commission’s denial of the port’s site review application for an industrial warehouse on land west of Bud Draper Road near the Big River Golf Course.

The dispute led to the port appealing the decision to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. The two sides have been working with mediator Joseph Franell to find a peaceful solution and the port agreed to withdraw its appeal to LUBA.

As a result of the settlement, the port will sell land along the west side of Bud Draper Road and a 3.1 acre parcel at the northwest end of Bud Draper Road to the city of Umatilla.

Also Tuesday night, the council passed a resolution declaring a 2006 Crown Victoria police car to be surplus property and will be put up for sale or auction. The council also accepted the resignation of Umatilla Library Board member Jane Starner.