Stanfield Man Threatens Firefighters


Local police are investigating an incident that happened Friday in which firefighters battling a brush fire were threatened by Stanfield man.

According to Stanfield Police Chief Byron Zumwalt, members of the Stanfield Fire Department were called out just after 3 a.m. to a report of a large brush fire in the area of Wayne Street and E. Wood Avenue. The fire turned out to be a small controlled fire in an area of a ditch bank.

While investigating the reported fire, a nearby resident, described as intoxicated by Zumwalt, confronted the firefighters who were walking in the area near his home. Zumwalt said the resident made threats toward the firefighters and telling them he was armed with a gun. Zumwalt said the firefighters left the area and notified law enforecement.

Zumwalt said members of the Stanfield Police Department and Hermiston Police Department contacted the man at his home. No firearm was found and no arrests have been made, but Zumwalt said the incident is still under investigation.