Farmworker Celebration Day Set for Aug. 20 at Hermiston’s Butte Park


Oregon Human Development Corporation in Hermiston is hosting Farmworker Celebration Day on Sunday, Aug. 20 with a free family picnic in Butte Park, sponsored by Fiesta Foods.

The event runs from 3 to 7 p.m. In addition to food, prizes, music and face painting, representatives from the following community agencies will be available:

· Legal Aid Services of Oregon

· Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFWs) Outreach from WorkSource

· Columbia River Community Health Services

· Hermiston School District communications office

· JioVanni Staffing

Butte Park is located at 1245 N.W. Seventh St. in Hermiston. For more information, contact Vanessa and Karen at 541-701-0550 and 541-701-0662.