Letter: County Fair Grand Marshals Thank Community for the Honor


To the editor:

Sherri and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful people of Umatilla County during our time serving as grand marshals for the Umatilla County Fair.

While named Umatilla County Fair, it became obvious to us both this event is truly a regional event bringing people from the Tri-Cities, Walla Walla, Morrow County and other surrounding areas to enjoy a wonderful week. From the parade to the rodeo, Sherri and I enjoyed ourselves immensely. Walking around the fair and grabbing true fair food took both of us back many years as the Umatilla event has always been a part of our family’s summer.

A special thanks goes out to members of the fair and farm city pro rodeo boards. Each year, these volunteers step up and graciously give of their time and efforts to ensure everyone has a great time at the fair. No one works harder at the fair, both during the week and throughout the year, as Fair Coordinator Angie McNalley.

A special time for Sherri and I was meeting the outstanding youth making up the fair court. Congratulations to Rebekah Miller, Olivia Warner, Bobbie Sharp and Laiklyn Fields-Nichols. Meeting such true representatives of the good of Umatilla County was a high point for us.

Sherri and I would also like to recognize Alice Newman. Her work, both on various parades and serving as mentor for the fair court truly showed the difference one person can make in a community.

The fair also provided us an opportunity to catch up with Dan Dorran. Much of this year’s success goes back to the 20 years Dan served on the fair board.

Lastly, Sherri and I wish to thank each and every individual who attended the fair, came and spoke with us and made our time memorable. We were humbled to be part of this event and will always remember the week.

Best Regards,

Representative Greg and Sherri Smith, District 57