Rep. Smith Announces Committee Assignments for Upcoming Session

Rep. Greg Smith
Rep. Greg Smith

Oregon State Rep. Greg Smith (GOP-Heppner) announced his committee assignments for the upcoming legislative session.

Smith has been appointed by Oregon House Speaker Tina Kotek to serve on the following committees in the upcoming 80th Legislative Assembly in January:

  • Joint Ways and Means Committee, Co-Vice Chair
  • Joint Ways and Means Subcommittee on General Government, Co-Chair
  • Joint Ways and Means Subcommittee on Capital Construction
  • Joint Student Success Committee, Co-Vice Chair
  • Joint Tax Expenditures Committee
  • Joint Legislative Administration Committee
  • Joint Legislative Audit Committee
  • House Committee on Revenue

In addition to Smith’s committee assignments, he has also been appointed by House Republican Leader Carl Wilson to continue to serve as the Caucus Budget chair.

“I am honored to have been appointed to these positions by my colleagues and look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve in a leadership capacity,” said Smith. “These committee appointments will allow me to continue to bring House District 57’s voice to the table as I work with my colleagues to craft solutions to the issues facing our great state.”

On Jan. 14, Smith will be sworn in for his tenth consecutive term serving as a member of the Oregon House of Representatives. He will be the longest serving member of the GOP caucus. Smith serves constituents in Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco counties.