Hermiston Police Chief Asks Public for Help in 4-Year-Old Murder Case


The Hermiston Police Department announced last week that two people have been charged in the June 2018 shooting death of Erik Navarrete of Hermiston.

Another murder case – one that took place in March 2015 – has yet to be closed.

Alonso Madrigal

Hermiston Police Chief Jason Edmiston took to Facebook to talk about the murder of 23-year-old Alonso Madrigal and to ask for the public’s help in tracking down whoever was responsible.

Madrigal was shot and killed on the night of March 4, 2015 in the 400 block of N.W. 11th Street. He was a father of two children.

Edmiston said detectives followed leads as far away as Los Angeles, and suspects have been identified, but to date the killer has not been brought to justice.

“We know there are people in this area with information that can help, and we urge them to call Lt. Randy Studebaker at 541-667-5095,” Edmiston wrote.

“This past week turned out well for members of the Hermiston Police Department as we believe we were able to provide a sense of justice and hopefully eventual closure for the family of Erik Navarrete,” Edmiston continued. “Having said that, we know the American criminal justice system can be challenging with regard to working investigations. That is the part that can frustrate members of law enforcement, and the other part of that are the families that must wait for their justice.

“As the agency head, I am proud our detective unit has remained in touch with the Madrigal family through the years to keep them abreast of the active investigation. Help us provide the Madrigal family some closure as we have not forgotten about the murder of their Alonso.”