What Does Return to Baseline Phase Mean for Umatilla County?


Gov. Kate Brown announced that Umatilla County will be returning to baseline phase, effective today, July 31, at noon.

In the baseline phase, the following guidelines apply:

  • All individuals should minimize all non-essential travel and stay home as much as possible
  • All businesses and non-profits must implement work-from-home or telework policies for employees to the maximum extent possible

Gatherings Size Limits:

  • Civic, cultural, and faith-based gatherings are limited to 25
  • All indoor and outdoor social gatherings are limited to 10
  • Grocery stores and retail, pharmacies, banks and credit unions, museums, and gas stations remain open
  • Restaurants must move to take-out or delivery only
  • Gyms, malls, venues, indoor and outdoor entertainment facilities, fraternal organization facilities, and personal services businesses must close
  • Recreational and youth sports are no longer permitted
  • Pools, spas, sports courts, and playgrounds must close
(Image courtesy of State of Oregon)

This information was shared by the Umatilla Electric Cooperative Business Resource Center.


  1. Keep your businesses open and take back our county, get kate brown out of Oregon. If enough people are protesting and defying her orders she can’t do anything about it.

  2. Yep absolutely she is dame right ,so for umatilla resident to understand that they need to wash and sanitize their filthy, nasty hands after they using the bathroom

  3. If we ever are to get back to phase two, we need to take this pandemic seriously. And please stop blaming things on the governor. I live in umatilla county, and not all of us want her recalled.

  4. CJ is correct. I am a Umatilla resident as well and this pandemic is not a joke, not a political ideology, and not an avenue for outside agitators to try to manipulate and further harm our county and state. The Governor needs our respect and support. She is doing what she can to help us and those who are divisive just want to destroy our health, our safety, and cause anarchy in a slimy power grab.

  5. I get so tired of always listening to people demand recalls..like you can throw out a dirty shirt. I support our Governor, Kate Brown and all she is doing to attempt to keep well safe and alive during this Covid pandemic…some do not realize the importance until a loved one is diagnosed or loses their battle with this virus.
    Instead of fighting against everyone why can’t people try to work together more? I happen to believe our governor has our best interests at heart…my prayers are with her as well during this time.

  6. They counted all the cases in the two
    Prisons which are a state problem not a county problem. Should not have been counted in the county total.

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