Blue Mountain Community College Student Orientations Set Across Eastern Oregon

Courtesy of Blue Mountain Community College

PENDLETON, Ore. – Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) is offering a series of orientations for new students across Eastern Oregon throughout March.

The orientations cover General Equivalency Diploma (GED) preparation classes and English Language Acquisition (ELA) courses.

Scheduled for Milton-Freewater, Boardman, Hermiston, Pendleton and Baker, the orientations are intended to introduce new students to BMCC and the programs and services offered by the college.

According to BMCC, College and Career Prep instructors and staff members lead the orientations before the start of each term for students who may be interested in enrolling in classes to prepare for the GED test or improve their English language proficiency.

“We provide information about the programs, including what courses are available, dates and times of course offerings, the cost to students and college policies,” said Carol Johnson, a College Prep Faculty Instructor at BMCC.

A GED is a high school equivalency test for anyone who was unable to finish high school, regardless of the reason.

The test covers math, science, social studies and reasoning through language arts, according to the GED Testing Service. Students who pass the test receive a GED certificate or credential.

While taking GED prep classes is not a prerequisite for earning a GED, BMCC’s courses are designed to teach the academic skills necessary to pass the test.

“We provide information about the GED test, administer a placement test and assist students with registering for courses,” Johnson said of the student orientations.

BMCC’s new student orientations also provide information about ELA classes for students who want to improve their language skills for school, work or personal reasons.

“Our beginner, intermediate and advanced-level English language acquisition courses help English language learners gain skills for college and to improve their work opportunities,” said Johnson. “Many also work with us to enhance their communication with family and other community members.”

GED and ELA classes are primarily taught in Pendleton and Hermiston, but are also coordinated through BMCC centers in Boardman, Milton-Freewater and Baker City. Classes are also available via Zoom as needed.

New student orientations last three hours and classes are scheduled to start March 31. Students can register for an orientation session online.

“Besides helping students earn a GED credential, studying with us helps students gain skills that can help them in the workplace or set them up for success in college,” said Johnson.

BMCC New Student March Orientation Schedule:

Boardman: March 7 and 14 at 10 a.m. at 251 Olson Road.
Hermiston: March 17 and 18 at 9 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. at 975 SE Columbia Drive.
Milton-Freewater: March 11 at 10 a.m. at 311 N. Columbia.
Pendleton: March 19 and 20 at 9 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. at 2411 NW Carden Avenue.
Baker City: March 21 at 10 a.m. at 3370 10th Street, Suite H.

More information about BMCC’s orientations or college prep courses and programs is available through the college.


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