Boardman to Replace Aging Sewer Lines Along N.W. Columbia Ave


The city of Boardman will begin replacing aging sewer lines on N.W. Columbia Avenue on Tuesday, April 23.

Next week, the city of Boardman will begin work replacing aging sewer lines along N.W. Columbia Avenue. (Image courtesy of city of Boardman)

The city will replace the two parallel 8-inch concrete sewer lines along N.W. Columbia Avenue with one 15-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer line. The project will include reinstating sewer service to residences, installing new manholes, and all work required to replace the sewer lines.

In 2022, the city performed a closed-circuit television inspection of the sewer lines along that stretch of road. The inspection identified deficiencies, including root intrusions, pipe sags, and failed joints. The inspection also revealed that both sewer lines were reaching capacity during high demand periods.

The city said replacing the existing concrete sewer lines with a single PVC line will ensure capacity requirements for the area are met.


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