Chinook Season Extended Once More


Continued improvement in the number of upriver spring Chinook salmon returning to the Columbia River prompted fishery managers from Oregon and Washington to re-open the recreational fishing season above Bonneville Dam.

Spring Chinook fishing will re-open above Bonneville Dam from Saturday, May 31 through Sunday, June 15 under rules adopted today during a joint state hearing of fish and wildlife officials from the two states.

The joint state action is based on a revised estimate of salmon returns issued on Tuesday by the U.S. v. Oregon Technical Advisory Committee, which adjusted its expected return of upriver Chinook to 230,000 fish, up from the previous estimate of a minimum 224,000 upriver fish.

At the last meeting of the two states, on May 13, fishery managers reopened the lower Columbia to recreational Chinook salmon fishing for an extra month, through June 15. The season was structured to dovetail into the summer Chinook season, which begins on June 16.

“With these extra fish we’re now able to give upriver fishermen some additional fishing opportunity, too,” said John North, ODFW’s Columbia River Program manager.

Under the rules approved at today’s hearing, the season opens to both boat and bank fishing from the Tower Island power lines approximately six miles below The Dalles Dam, upstream to the Oregon/Washington border (about 17 miles upstream of McNary Dam), plus bank fishing only from Bonneville Dam to the Tower Island power lines.

The bag limit is two fin-clipped adult salmonids per day, of which only one may be a Chinook. Up to five adipose fin-clipped jack Chinook and shad may also be kept per permanent regulations.

For more information, visit ODFW’s website.