Comments Sought on Proposed Generation Facility


The Oregon Department of Energy is seeking public comment on a proposal to build a natural gas-powered electric generation facility in Hermiston.

The facility, to be built by Perennial Wind Chaser Station, would have a generating capacity of 412 megawatts. The company must get approval from the state’s Energy Facility Siting Council prior to constructing and operating the facility.

The project involves the construction and operation of up to four natural gas-fired turbines. Power generated at the station would be distributed using the existing Hermiston Generating Plant-to-McNary Substation route, connecting the proposed facility to the BPA McNary Substation near Umatilla. The actual facility would be located on 20 acres adjacent to the Hermiston Generating Plant.

In order to receive a permit, Perennial Power Holdings Inc., has to demonstrate the facility meets the siting council’s standards established by state statute.

Public comments on the proposed facility, as well as requests for a public information meeting, are due by Sept. 23 and must be submitted in writing by mail, e-mail, hand delivery or fax. Comments may be sent to Andrea Goodwin, Oregon Department of Energy, 395 E. Highland Ave., Hermiston, 97838 or e-mailed to