Council Appoints Urban Renewal Budget Committee

Hermiston City Council 4-14-14
Hermiston's Urban Renewal Agency officially has a budget committee following last night's meeting.

The Hermiston City Council voted Monday night to appoint the city’s Budget Committee to also act as the budget committee for the Urban Renewal Agency.

The council, which also serves as the Urban Renewal Agency, voted unanimously for Resolution No. 3.

The aim of the city’s urban renewal district is to revitalize the downtown area and attract new retail businesses to Main Street. The budget for the district has been set at $2.5 million and will pay for a festival street along Second Street (estimated cost of $900,000), a façade grant program ($500,000), jump-start loans ($200,000), and parking improvements ($200,000), among other projects. Funding for the projects will not come from new taxes. Instead, future increases in tax revenue from existing taxing districts will be shifted over to the urban renewal district for the time in which the district exists.

For more information on the Hermiston Urban Renewal District, visit the city’s website.