Craving for some Girl Scout Cookies? You Can Now Order Them Online


For the first time ever, consumers who don’t know a Girl Scout can now purchase Girl Scout Cookies online from a local troop for direct shipment to their door.

Online ordering through the Girl Scout Cookie Finder officially opened Feb. 1, offering a contact-free method that supports local girls while keeping safety and skill building top of mind. Online ordering will be available through March 14.

Pandemic conditions in Oregon and Washington mean that customers won’t see the traditional Girl Scout Cookie booths they look forward to this year, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get their hands on the Thin Mints®, Samoas® and Tagalongs® they love. With the cookie finder — used in past years to locate a nearby cookie booth — customers can enter their ZIP code to find a local troop to purchase from through the Digital Cookie platform for direct shipment to their homes or donation to local organizations such as Meals on Wheels People. Though social distancing measures may keep families and friends apart, cookie customers can share joy and stay connected this season through a gift-box option that ships directly to others via the Digital Cookie platform.

Despite challenges this year, Girl Scouts throughout the region are showing resilience and creativity as they embrace their entrepreneurial spirits. From distributing thousands of door hangers in their neighborhoods, to virtual cookie booths and community presentations via video conferencing, to vehicle displays and more, girls are thinking outside the cookie box as they stay connected, learn and have fun through the cookie program. 100 percent of the proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program stay local with the troop and Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington.