E. Oregon to Receive $1.36 Million to Expand Rural Broadband


The Federal Communications Commission announced that Oregon will receive more than $2.7 million to help expand rural broadband over the next 10 years.

The funding includes $1.36 million for Oregon’s Second District to serve over 2,000 small businesses and residents at a minimum speed of 25/3 Mbps.

U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (R-Hood River) applauded the announcement.

“Access to the internet is more important than ever as our nation responds to the coronavirus pandemic,” said Walden. “Far too many Oregonians still lack access to reliable broadband internet service and thus access to things like telemedicine, remote learning, next generation emergency services, and video streaming because of insufficient Internet service. I am grateful to Chairman Ajit Pai, who saw firsthand the need for expanding rural broadband in Eastern Oregon when he visited in 2018, for his efforts to strengthen connectivity in Oregon and I look forward to continuing to work with him on expanding rural broadband across our great state and nation.”