Energy Department Recommends Wind Farm


The Oregon Department of Energy staff has recommended approval of the Wheatridge Wind Energy Facility to the state energy siting council.

ODOE issued the proposed order Friday, Aug. 5. The proposed order recommends that the Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC) approve the application and grant a Site Certificate, subject to the conditions in the order.

The facility would consist of up to 292 wind turbines divided into two groups: Wheatridge West and Wheatridge East. Related and supporting facilities to the proposed energy facility include: up to two parallel overhead 230‐kilovolt (kV) transmission lines connecting Wheatridge West and Wheatridge East (intraconnection transmission line); 34.5‐kV collector lines and substations; meteorological towers; communications and supervisory control and data acquisition systems; operations and maintenance buildings; access roads; temporary construction areas; and temporary concrete batch plants.

The wind facility would be located within Morrow and Umatilla counties. More information is available online.