Explosive Ordnance Disposal Training Taking Place at Boardman Facility


The Oregon Air National Guard is currently conducting demolition training in Boardman this week.

The Naval Air Station at Whidbey Island announced that the Oregon Air National Guard 142nd Explosive Ordnance Disposal Flight and Civil Engineering Squadron from Portland will conduct routine demolition training at Naval Weapons System Training Facility (NWSTF) in Boardman. The training began on Tuesday and will continue through Friday.

All training activities will occur during daylight hours in the central section of the NWSTF property. Dust clouds, smoke, audible detonations and ground vibration may result from these operations. Officials say safety precautions have been taken to ensure operations pose no threat to people or property.

For more information, call the Public Affairs Office at NAS Whidbey Island, (360) 257-2286.