Family Members of Hermiston Man Attacked by Giraffe in South Africa


The daughter and grandson of a Hermiston man were seriously injured recently after being attacked by a giraffe in South Africa.

According to several news reports, Katy Williams, 35, and her young son, Finn, were attacked on Sept.3 at a wildlife area near a national park. Williams is a wildlife biologist and the daughter of Jack Standish of Hermiston.

The mother and son were close to their home with a female giraffe came at them and “ferociously kicked them,” according to the New York Post. Speculation is the giraffe viewed Williams and her son as threats to her young calf.

Williams underwent surgery, had regained consciousness and was able to communicate through sign language as of Wednesday, according to reports.

Finn is in stable condition and also underwent surgery to release pressure on his brain.

Jack Standish has set up a GoFundMe account to help pay for the medical bills, which he is estimating to be around $60,000.

For more information on how to help, visit Standish’s Facebook page. For more on the giraffe attack, go online.