Federal Agencies: No Dam Breaching


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation and Bonneville Power Administration signed a joint Record of Decision (ROD) on Monday that commits the agencies to implementing immediate and long-term actions related to the ongoing operations of the Columbia River System and does not include breaching of any dams.

In a press release issued today, representatives for the agencies said the decision to go with the Preferred Alternative reflects a balance between managing water flow to benefit salmon and steelhead while avoiding straining the system’s ability to generate hydropower.

The agencies had earlier issued an Environmental Impact Statement that included consideration of breaching four of the system’s dams.

On Monday, the ROD made final its decision to go forward with the Preferred Alternative.

“This selected alternative provides the best balanced and flexible approach to meeting the needs of the human and natural environment in the basin, both now and into the future. Our decision benefits the public interest, treaty resources and iconic fish species of the Pacific Northwest,” said Brig. Gen. D. Peter Helmlinger, commander of the Corps of Engineers’ Northwestern Division.

For more information, go to the Army Corps of Engineers website.