First of 3 Veterans-Focused Town Halls for E. Oregon Set for Saturday


The first of three online town halls he secured for Eastern Oregon veterans will be at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 4.

The meeting is geared for Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Baker and Morrow counties.

The town hall will be designed for veterans, their families and veterans service providers to ask top Veterans Administration (VA) officials health care questions including about the agency’s proposals to reduce physical and mental health services in the region.

For veterans, their families and veterans service providers interested in participating with Wyden, Walla Walla VAMC Director Scott Kelter, and Teresa D. Boyd, D.O., Network Director, VISN 20 in this online meeting, the link to submit questions is here. And the link to watch the June 4 meeting is here.

Dates, formats and times for the next two veterans-focused town halls in Eastern Oregon will be announced soon.