Fitzgerald Sworn in as Hermiston Councilor

Clara Fitzgerald sworn in
Hermiston City Attorney Gary Luisi congratulates Clara B. Fitzgerald after she was sworn in a the newest member of the Hermiston City Council on Monday.

The Hermiston City Council is now back to full strength.

Hermiston City Attorney Gary Luisi swore in Clara B. Fitzgerald Monday night to fill out the remaining months of George Anderson’s term. Anderson resigned in June before his term was up at the end of the year. He announced in January that he would not be seeking another term on the council before stepping down two months ago.

Fitzgerald ran unopposed for Anderson’s open seat in the May primary. When Anderson resigned, Fitzgerald was the only person to apply for his seat.

The council chambers at Hermiston City Hall were filled Monday night with Fitzgerald supporters. She is the third female on the council and the second Hispanic person. She is also a member of the Hermiston Hispanic Advisory Committee.

“I want to say thank you to all the people who came to support me,” she said. “I not only represent the Hispanic community, but educators, people who have come to Hermiston for a better future and I represent all of the citizens.”