Free Leaf Recycling Returns to City of Pendleton for 11th Year


Leaves are again falling from the trees, and the city of Pendleton and Pendleton Sanitary Service are again partnering to provide free leaf recycling in the month of November.

The Leaf Recycling Program dates back to 2012, when Pendleton Sanitary Service first gave local residents the option to drop off an unlimited amount of leaves – for free – at the transfer station at 5500 NW Rieth Road.

The program continues this year. During the entire month of November, residents can drop off leaves from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, at the transfer station. The leaves can be brought to the transfer station in bags, but those bags must be emptied. Containers will be available to dispose of bags. The transfer station is closed Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday.

Other yard waste items can be dropped off as well, but there will be a charge for items other than leaves. Pendleton Sanitary Service then recycles the leaves and other yard debris to make compost products they offer for sale.

Removing leaves and yard also helps keep Pendleton storm drains clear. Leaves that are blown or swept into the street can cover storm drains and catch basins, which causes water to back up into roadways.

For more information on free leaf recycling, contact Pendleton Sanitary Service at 541-276-1271.